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Press Turn Combat

The series' simple but rewarding turn-based Press Turn Combat system is back, with new skills and gameplay elements. Turn the tides of battle in your favor by targeting your enemy's weaknesses to gain extra actions before your enemies do!
Keep targeting your enemies' weaknesses to gain more actions! Some demons now have their own exclusive skills!

Magatsuhi Skills

Allies who share the same alignments will give you access to even more abilities.
Your Magatsuhi Gauge fills up throughout the course of battle. Once the gauge is full, you'll be able to trigger special abilities known as Magatsuhi Skills. From dealing heavy damage to healing and buffing your party, there are now over 50 Magatsuhi Skills to leverage—some of which are exclusive to certain types of demon.

Innate Skills

All demons now possess innate skills—passive skills that give you an extra edge in battle. Some may power up your attacks when certain demons are present, while others aid you when negotiating with demons! These innate skills add an extra layer of strategy   to the way you assemble your party.
Blessed Melody Four Heavenly Kings Demonic Mediation

Guest characters

As the story progresses, humans characters may participate as allies in battle. These characters can fight like demon allies, as well as use items.
Ichiro and Yuzuru can use the demon summoning program to add even more allies to your side.

Return of the True Demon

Should you fulfill the right conditions, the Demi-fiend will accompany you as a guest character in your party.

Consecutive Encounters

After defeating an enemy, another demon may appear to continue the battle. This fight will become tougher than usual, but winning will grant you additional Macca and EXP, as well as a higher likelihood of items dropping. To aim for bigger bonuses, look for areas where more enemies are gathered.

Virtual Trainer

With the Virtual Trainer feature, challenge past foes in either a single fight or a gauntlet of battles. Face them at their original strength in Classic Mode, or test your skills by taking on even stronger iterations of them in Challenge Mode.
The enemies' levels will increase by 100 each time you complete Challenge Mode.

Demon Conversations

Strike up conversations with your opponents and turn them into your demonic allies!Each demon has unique speech patterns and preferences—Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance adds even more to create even livelier interactions.

Explore a post-apocalyptic Tokyo Da'at

The story unfolds in real-world Tokyo and Da'at , a vast, decimated Tokyo where demons rule and attack anyone who dares stand in their way. Explore a variety of areas, including ruined buildings, dunes, and abstract structures.
Explore Da'at: Shinjuku, an all-new region!

A Sacred Space within Bethel Shakan

Hidden in Da'at Shinjuku, Shakan is a sacred space within Bethel that none may enter. Magical contraptions that reverse the ceilings and floors, and angels standing guard against trespassers will impede your ingress.

Navigate through a vast overworld

Various items and objects are scattered throughout the desolate landscapes of Da'at, waiting for you to find them.

Demon Navigator

A demonic ally can aid you as you explore each corner of Da'at. While they can't join you in battle, they'll notify you when they find items and Magatsu Rails.

Magatsu Rails

Throughout your journey, you'll encounter paths made of Magatsuhi that connect two areas of Da'at together. Use them to take shortcuts or find hidden areas that are normally inaccessible!

Aogami Husks

By examining Aogami Husks in Da'at, you can obtain Aogami Essences and gain new abilities in battle. You can re-obtain Essences from husks you already examined after a certain amount of time has passed.

Magatsuhi Demons

From time-to-time, you'll encounter foes who radiate an aura made of Magatsuhi. They might have powerful skills at their command, but if you can best them in battle, you can get incenses and other valuable items!

Magatsuhi Crystals

Look out for glowing crystals while exploring Da'at! Green Magatsuhi Crystals will replenish your HP, yellow Magatsuhi Crystals will recover your MP, and red Magatsuhi Crystals raise your Magatsuhi gauge.


If you spot a large red landmark sprouting in the ground of Da'at, you've found an abscess: a territory full of demons who'll attack anyone who comes near. Once you destroy an Abscess, you'll gain a new Miracle!

Treasure Chests and Amalgams

Yellow treasure chests provide items and Macca, while silver Amalgams grant you Glory!

Cadaver's Hollow

To buy items with your Macca or sell relics, visit the keeper of Cadaver's Hollow, Gustave. Simply find a leyline fount and head on down!


Through the vending machines located around Da'at, you'll be able to find relics! Bring them back to Gustave and sell them for some extra Macca.

Demon Haunts

By using the leyline founts, you can access demon haunts: places where the Nahobino can converse with his demonic allies and give them gifts. Feel free to view them using the free camera mode!
Depending on how you play, you might trigger special conversations that give you items or strengthen your allies!
You can also interact with Aogami at demons haunts! From time-to-time, chats with him will boost your abilities.

Demon Fusion

Work with Sophia, the ruler of the World of Shadows, to fuse your demon allies and create powerful new ones. To reach the World of Shadows, just go to any leyline!
The mysterious ruler of the World of Shadows. She has come from a plane far beyond reality as a guide to both the world and the Nahobino.
Fuse two demons together with Dyad Fusion Special Fusion Reverse Fusion Fuse elements using Elemental Fusion


In addition to fusion, the World of Shadows also lets you use Apotheosis to strengthen the Nahobino and your allies.

Learning Miracles

By using Glory, a currency found in Da'at that demonstrates the might of a god, the Nahobino can gain new Miracles. These abilities will aid you while exploring Da'at or battling enemies. They can even affect fusion, skill potentials, and leveling!

New Miracle Estoma Field

This new technique allows you to produce a field of magical camouflage. While it is active, you will not be detected by enemies. Even if you come into contact with an enemy, you'll be able to avoid fighting them.

New Miracle Moral Transcendence

With this new Miracle, you'll be able to raise the level cap of the Nahobino and his allies from 99 to 150.

Essence Fusion

This type of fusion utilizes Essences: copied astral forms of demons' abilities. Essences exist for each demon, and when the protagonist or your demonic allies fuse with one of them, you'll be able to change their affinity resistances and skills. Feel free to experiment with all kinds of skill combinations for your party!


Take on subquests from demons and human characters you encounter on your adventure. Clear them to receive various rewards.
There's a wide variety of subquests, including quests based around the phases of the moon and quests that allow you to play as demons!
You can find subquests while exploring real-world Tokyo too!

New Game+

Upon clearing the game, you can start a fresh playthrough while carrying over your previous data. Choose between 3 options according to playstyle, including the all-new Godborn option—which has special requirements to unlock.
Newborn Reborn Godborn