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Not sure how 'Real good at dying' will look on my resumé.
Role: Headbanger
Mad Shred - Damage increases with rate of kills / number of kills
Sonic Boom - Projects AOE damage wave in front of hero / direction hero is facing
Deathmosh - Weakens monsters and boosts hero
Likes: Loud noises, strong drinks, reckless behavior
Dislikes: Silence, herbal tea, jazz
Zed doesn't remember how she got here—or much at all of that week.
She was on leave with the squad at the festival; there was a stage, dancing, singing (ok, screaming), and music so metal it was more tactile than sonic.
Sensations of heat, thirst, blinding lights, and then sweet, sweet oblivion. A ship to nowhere, or fate finally making claim upon a life well-lived?

Nobody is above the law—or the need for good manners.
Role: Sheriff
Triggering - Increases attack damage the more she gets hit within a short time
Back Off - Deploys her shield to generate a shock wave that knocks back, stuns, and damages monsters
Likes: Politeness, formality, tidiness
Dislikes: Anger, rudeness, corrosion
Bunker was conceived and constructed as a part of an autonomous police unit tasked to track down criminals and illegal life forms.
Though unrelentingly civil and polite, Bunker does not put up with lawbreakers, corruption, or rudeness.

I'm just here to make things interesting.
Role: Owlhoot
Afterburn - Percent chance to add fire damage to target
Hive Mine - Area damage explosives that trigger with a brief delay after enemy contact
Brimstone - Robot arm launches bombs that target nearby enemies
Likes: Explosions, consuming
Dislikes: Vegans, watered-down drinks, timidity
Blaze is the sole survivor—well, the sole active survivor—of a gang of banditos who actually came to the Station on purpose, thinking they could make a big score. Hint: They couldn't.
Now Blaze is stuck in the Saloon, trying to make their dream come true—finding that one bit of loot they originally came for.
Ugly rumor might have it that Blaze's adoration of explosives has led to incidents of "friendly fragmentation".

Everything is better with flowers, roots, and herbs.
Role: Medic
Wincense - Increases "Soul" stock per killed monster in the room
Soul Patch - Heals fellow heroes by spending "Souls"
Special Mix - Increases Health regeneration, defense, and prevents death
Likes: Plants, flowers, greenery, being appreciated
Dislikes: Stress, responsibility, anything inorganic
Shroom's opinion—shared by few others—is that every solid team needs a "plant whisperer".
Since her services as undertaker are no longer required, she has taken to talking up her incenses, herbal remedies, and potions as having powers akin to miracle panaceas.
Living somewhere in that gray zone between "apothecary" and "snake oil salesman", Shroom does her best to keep the squad alive with whatever roots, herbs, flowers, leaves, and nuts she can dig up.

25,000 Years I Waited... And Still We Haven't Overthrown The Oppressors? Comrades!
Role:Turret Support
To Arms! - Shoves performed by this Hero on Research Terminals and Resource Generators repair them
Comrade Turret - Creates an attacking Turret in front of this Hero
Revolution - Temporarily transforms this Hero's Weapon into a static Turret
Likes:Guns, swords, turrets...,Comrades!
Dislikes:Boredom,The Endless,The Capitalist Economic System
Comrade Oruz is a Remnant - an artificial being created to serve the Endless. Remnants bore the formal title of "Bailiff" but were used to execute any sort of task -- and, rumors had it, any sort of creature, being little better than glorified assassins. After events on the Station left Oruz 'out of commission', they had little to do for millennia but wait to be repaired -- and think, quite extensively, about everything that happened around them. Now, once again awakened and alert, they have discovered a few things: a Station in massive disrepair, massive gaps in their memory, and a massive desire to tear down the society that made them do the horrible things they did.

Unto the breach, with a fire-breathing potion, or unto the beach, with something long, bubbly and well-chilled?
Role:Tech / Crowd Control
Stay Classy - Wit is increased for each monster in the same room (up to a cap)
Bar Fight - Nearby monsters fight each other while efficiency of nearby Heroes increases
Likes:Quality, elegance, connoisseurs,Smooth jazz, witty banter
Dislikes:Rude customers, overtime, prep work,Things that try to kill him while he's exploring
That drive had him crossing the galaxy in search of components for potions and elixirs; these days, refined but ambitious, he seeks the specs of legendary mixologists, and a legendary beverage.

The best things in life are hugs and hopscotch! And, um, killing bugs…
Role:Speedy Crowd Control
Publish and Perish - Places scientific papers acting as temporary traps under monsters
Likes:Hugs, cuddling, stories, pictures, Not being alone
Dislikes:Bugs, Things like bugs, Things that bugs like
Cartie is nimble, clever, and light-hearted; these were useful characteristics for her people, the Harahara, back when the Station was full of them. Delivered and raised in the Labor Colony district, they helped the Endless keep the Station running by doing maintenance and collecting Dust.
Due to her habit of collecting everything (not just Dust), Cartie ended up being stored for a long time with her collectibles. Oh well, strange things happen sometimes! Now that she is back and running around, all she wants to do is collect more things and kill Bugs, the monsters whose voracious appetites consumed her extended family.

Have broom, will travel.
Role:Crowd Control / Turrets
Turretmeister - Fire rate of Turrets in the same room is increased
Slippery When Wet - Reduces Movement Speed of monsters in a cone-shaped area
Likes:Cleanliness, shiny things, order, silence
Dislikes:Blobs, which are basically mobile garbage bags
Born poor and under-skilled on a planet that values money and talent, Cherk's life has been a long, hard slog. When he finally got away to pilot school it was a dream come true; alas, pilot school is expensive (even when you're being trained on wrecks) and eventually he had to drop out and get a job to save up.
He was hired into So*Net as Associate Duster (Intern), and through hard work and dedication worked his way up to Mop Specialist. Unfortunately, his latest gig was on a ship that ended up on a one-way trip to the Station... and all he wants to do now is get off, go back, and get his wings.